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Battery Charger

We are not LiPo battery or charger experts, so we have turned to those who are. Here find information on the battery chargers we found for you.

LEDs Flickering B3 Pro Charger

Do you notice your LEDs flickering - all green or red/green?.

10 mistakes you want to avoid - LiPo Battery

This video is on YouTube posted by AMain Hobbies. It explains 10 mistakes people make with their LiPo batteries. Things you MUST KNOW to get the most out of your LiPo battery. The chargers shipped with your SwiftPaws kit are balance chargers but they

Plugging in the Battery charger

Watch this short video showing how to plug in the HotRC Battery Charger: Plugin battery (youtube.com)

Remove battery from charger once fully charged

Leaving the battery on the charger after reaching a full charge is not recommended for several reasons, the most serious being it may result in fire. Always put the battery inside a fire resistant battery bag or container to charge. The charger that

Charging the LiPo Battery

The more you know about your LiPo battery the better performance you'll get out of it. The LiPo battery that ships with your SwiftPaws is good for approximately 10 minutes of motor runtime - that's about five 90 second play sessions.  We do NOT recom

Discharging the battery

LiPo batteries also don't develop memory or voltage depression characteristics like NiCd/NiHm batteries, and do not need to be discharged before being charged. The best way to discharge your LiPo battery is to use it!. The charger that ships with you

Battery Storage Voltage

Keeping your battery at maximum charge when not in use or leaving it almost drained are not good for your battery. To maximize the lifespan of your Li-Po battery, ensure that you stick to the storage voltage specification. When it comes to LiPo batte